ISO 27001 Certification
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October 18, 2023



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ISO 27001 Certification

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What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a globally recognized standard, developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization. The standard encompasses a comprehensive suite of policies, procedures, and controls aimed at safeguarding data against unauthorized access and breaches. This includes outlining best practices and requirements for an Information Security Management System (ISMS). An ISMS is a systematic approach to managing sensitive company and customer  information, ensuring secure processing, storage, and transmission. 

As a leading provider of automotive connected vehicle Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, that covers the landscape of services across organizational, security, software and firmware, Sibros is committed to delivering secure and robust software and cloud solutions. This commitment is underscored by the company’s recent achievement of ISO 27001 certification. Read on to find out more.

Significance of Certification

Attaining ISO 27001 certification is a rigorous endeavor that signifies a company’s unwavering commitment to upholding superior standards of information security. The journey towards certification involves several meticulous steps to ensure that an organization’s Information Security Management System (ISMS) is robust, effective, and compliant. Certification includes the following stages:

  • Gap Analysis: A thorough gap analysis is conducted to identify differences and inadequacies between the existing ISMS and the standards and requirements of ISO 27001. This step is crucial to understand the extent of work required to achieve compliance.
  • ISMS Development and Implementation: Next, the organization works to develop and implement an ISMS that complies with ISO 27001 standards. This includes establishing a set of security policies, identifying risks, implementing security controls, and setting up a continual improvement process.
  • Internal Audit: An internal audit is then carried out to ascertain the effectiveness of the ISMS and identify any areas of non-compliance or improvement.
  • Management Review: Top management reviews the ISMS and the results of the internal audit, ensuring that the system is effective and aligns with the organization's strategic direction.
  • Certification Audit: Once the ISMS is established and refined, an external certification audit is conducted by an accredited certification body. The audit is carried out in two stages. 
  • Stage 1 focuses on reviewing the ISMS documentation.
  • Stage 2 assesses the implementation and effectiveness of the ISMS.
  • Certification Awarded: After a successful certification audit, the organization is awarded with ISO 27001 certification, signifying its compliance with international standards of information security.
  • Continual Improvement: The journey doesn't end with certification; continual improvement is a vital part of ISO 27001. It requires organizations to regularly review and refine their ISMS to ensure it remains effective against evolving security threats.

The attainment of ISO 27001 certification underscores a steadfast dedication to providing secure and reliable software solutions. This certification not only augments credibility but also provides partners with the assurance that operations and solutions adhere to internationally recognized standards of information security.

Sibros: A Certified Compliant Provider

The attainment of the ISO 27001 certification propels Sibros into an elite group of software and cloud providers, showcasing the company’s commitment to strict information security standards. This certification transcends being merely a badge of honor; it serves as a critical validation of the company’s Information Security Management System (ISMS), echoing the robustness and reliability embedded in their operational ethos and solution delivery framework.

ISO 27001 Certification

With a certified ISMS, Sibros’ Deep Connected Platform offers original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) a safe, secure, reliable, and scalable solution to connected vehicle data management, over-the-air updates, and remote commands for the vehicle’s lifecycle. Automakers partnering with an ISO 27001-certified software provider like Sibros are poised to reap substantial benefits. In a landscape where cyber threats are incessantly evolving. Having a trusted partner with a validated framework for information security is not only invaluable, crucial to future success. In addition to mitigating risks, it fortifies the trust and confidence of stakeholders and customers alike.

Your Trusted ISO 27001 Certified Partner

As the nexus of automotive and digital technologies continues to evolve, the significance of robust information security frameworks cannot be overemphasized. ISO 27001 certification, is a key step in underscoring the compliance with internationally recognized standards of information security, reinforcing a stance as a global software and cloud solutions provider committed to universal best practices in information security management. In a market where data security is a pivotal decision-making factor, ISO 27001 certification stands as a beacon of trust and reliability in providing secure software solutions. Contact us today, and let’s drive towards a secure automotive digital landscape together.

Mahesh Venugopala
Mahesh Venugopala
Mahesh Venugopala serves as Senior Director of Security at Sibros where he is repsonsible for stewarding cybersecurity practices, methods and frameworks across the company's suite of cloud-based and embedded software products. Prior to joining Sibros, Mahesh was responsible for security at Autonomic (a subsidiary of Ford), a SaaS data platform managing billions of connected vehicle signals and events per day. Mahesh has over 20 years of experirence across roles in product security, security architecture, cryptography, key management, encryption in transit and rest, cloud security, secure software development life cycle (SDLC), and secure DevOps.